Saturday, November 15, 2014

December 7th Rehearsal/ Performance Info.

Dear parents,

Below you will find the rehearsal schedule for our performance on Sunday, December 7th, 2014. Please note that we are asking 4 classes to arrive at the same time and will be asking those four classes to stay in Centennial Hall the entire allotted time slot so that we have some flexibility as to which classes are on stage at any given time. 

It is very important that all dancers attend and are on time for this rehearsal so that they are comfortable on stage- this rehearsal provides the dancers with a chance to practice their dance(s) without the use of the mirror which is quite important.  Missing dancers can also cause confusion for our young dancers. 

11:30 Gandhi's Wednesday Jazz for grades 2-5 
           Gandhi's Friday Jazz for grades 2-5 
           Tankersley's Thursday Jazz for grades 5-8 
           Tankersley's Thursday Ballet for grades 5-8 

12:45: Tankersley's Wednesday Ballet for grades 1-4
            Gandhi's Wednesday Ballet for grades k-p1
            Tankersley's Wednesday Jazz for grades k-1
            Tankersley's Friday Jazz for grades k-1

2:30-  All students will change into full costumes.  We will be using the cafeteria as a changing area.  

3:00- Show time! This is a free, informal performance.  Please keep in mind that we have close to 85 dancers and space is limited.

Upon arrival, dancers should come to the main entrance of Centennial Hall where we will check them in.  They should wear their regular dance class attire as costumes will be handed out during rehearsal. 
Hair: Ballet students should wear their hair in a bun while Jazz students may wear their hair in a neat ponytail with bangs pinned back off of their face. Lots of bobby pins and hairspray will be helpful for the buns!  If your daughter is in both Ballet and Jazz, she may keep her hair in a bun the entire time.  

Makeup: Because we are on the stage with bright lights, a little bit of makeup is helpful so that we can see the dancers faces. A little bit of bright pink or red lipstick, blush, and mascara should suffice.  

Performance: Doors will open at 2:45 for the performance.  There are no reserved seats and, while there is plenty of room in Centennial Hall, we do have close to 90 dancers so we are asking that you please limit attendance to 4 per family.

I do have some Upper School students who will be helping us keep the dancers organized but we will also need some parent volunteers as well. Here is a link to the Sign-up genius asking for assistance with the following:

*Chaperones during rehearsal times (4-5 for each time slot)
*Backstage help (6-8 you will be able to go into the theatre to watch your daughter's dance)
*Video recording (1):  I will provide the video camera.
*Reception organization: (one or two people would need to take the lead on this)

Please pack lunch/ snacks for your daughter. I will have some snacks available, however, it will not be enough to last the entire day.  Additionally, please have your daughter bring a refillable water bottle. 

Should you have any questions at this time, please feel free to ask!