Friday, May 13, 2016

Session II For 3/4 Year Olds Ends Soon!

Hello Parents!

Just a reminder that the last day for our Monday Ballet 3/4 year old class is May 16, 2016. Have a wonderful summer and we will see in the Fall!

Keep Dancing!

Bryn Mawr School Dance Instructors 

Monday, May 2, 2016

Enjoy Your Summer Break!

Hello Dancers!

We cannot believe that the dance year is finished! You all did such a beautiful job in the Recital on Sunday. We are very proud of you! We look forward to seeing everyone in the Fall.

Keep Dancing!
Bryn Mawr Dance School Instructors 

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Our Recital is Here!

Hi Dancers! 

Today is the day that we perform in front of a large audience! Very exciting! We know that you will be just beautiful!

Here are a few last minute tips:
1. If you can see a seat, the seat can see you!
3. Avoid looking at your feet!
3. Remember to smile!
4. And...have fun!

Bryn Mawr School Dance Instructors