Friday, January 26, 2018

Dance Uniform Information for Spring Session 2018


We are now using Discount Dance Supply as our uniform supplier. If your dancer has danced with us in the past and her uniform from previous seasons, feel free to continue wearing that as we make this transition. She will need the specific items from Discount Dance, however, for our Spring performance. Here are the directions for using Discount Dance:
2. Under the "Student" option (top, left side of page), click on "Find a studio" or "Find my Dress Code" (either will work).
3. In the search box, enter the studio number: TP 119912.  Please be sure that you enter this number and/or see that you are on our specific page as we earn points from all purchases.  The points we earn is used to help defray the cost of additional costume items.
4. You will see an option listed for The Dance School Bryn Mawr School and a link that says "Dress Lists" -click this and you will be taken to a page where you can search, by class name, for the uniform requirements for each of your child's classes. 

Important: Please note that we use pieces in the uniform for our performance and, therefore, it is important that you purchase the correct items. In some instances, there are more than one option for a class- this could be that both child and adult sizes are listed OR that you may choose between the different styles offered.  

* Please note: If you prefer to purchase uniform items from another vendor, please make sure it is the same as what is being sold on Discount Dance Supply. If you are unsure, please ask. 

In order to avoid missing school uniform pieces and/or dance clothing, please label ALL clothing and shoes (both school uniform and dance attire).  Please have your daughter bring her dance clothes to school in a small, separate bag.